Thursday, February 25, 2010

All I can say is "Wow"...

When I think about this past week, the only word which comes to mind is "Wow!" We had a fantastic week of learning. We skyped with our friends from Amelia and Kansas City and talked about the olympic medals. The thinking which occurred from looking at the graph was amazing. John used the graph and realized there were only 3 more bronze than silver. Gracie stated "altogether there were 28." Riley mentioned "we have come in third the most." We also heard some great thinking from our friends.

In addition to skyping, we worked on the topic of Winter and Spring. We listed similarities and differences from these two seasons. We also wrote a sentence about winter and spring. We are hoping Spring comes early or at least the sun! We worked on making words and blending sounds together to read words...I must say we have a great group of readers. Keep on practice your letter naming and reading at home!

Today in math we worked on 2-D and 3-D shapes. Many of the children have the beginning understanding of 2-D is flat and 3-D has sides. In the PM we made 3-D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks. The AM class will get to do this activity on Monday. I look forward to listening to their conversations about their learning.

It was a FANTASTIC week!

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