Saturday, May 12, 2012

More Learning...

The end of school is fast approaching, but we are still learning and working hard in the classroom.  We just completed Unit 5 of Reading Street and will be moving into Unit 6.  This particular unit has a lot of review and preparation for 1st grade.  We will begin to review all sight words learned this year.  Your child should have brought home a sheet last week with the sight words listed.  You can continue to practice these at home.  We will be assessing all the sight words and your child needs to know them to receive a Y on their report card.  Many children are doing well; however, the words "where, what, come, was" are words which the children confuse often.  The unit theme is building and we will be delving into the question "What are different ways of building?" and we will be reading "Building with Dad."

We have been working on DIBELS this past week and will continue this coming week.  We will send home results once we have all children tested and the results are placed in the computer system.  We will try our best to send home results during the week of May 21st.  After reviewing some of the results, we are very pleased.  We want to thank you for your help at home.  Please continue to practice letters, sound, and just reading for fun!

We have been working hard on story writing in our writing time.  The children are doing a great job developing a story with a beginning, middle, and end.  Some children have written non-fiction pieces about plants and some have written narrative stories about themselves.  We want all children to be able to write a simple story with a beginning, middle, and end.  We are encouraging some children to be developing stories with 2 sentences on each page.  We are also looking for capital letters, punctuation, and spacing.

In math, we have been working really hard with addition and subtraction.  The children are doing a great job with these concepts.  I have seen some children begin to complete problems mentally.  This is a great skill and we are trying to work on all children to develop their mental math.  We will also begin to look at graphs and take surveys of specific topics.  We will use the graph and analyze what we gather.  This will allow us to do some addition and subtraction within the graph.  We will also write sentences about the graph.

Have a FANTASTIC week!

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