Sunday, November 7, 2010

Report Cards...

Well we made it to the end of the 1st quarter :) Report cards will be coming home on Friday (Nov. 12). You will notice your child will receive one of two grades (AP or NP). An AP means your child has achieved the required goal. If your child receives an NP, then your child did not mean the required goal. We assess the children over the entire quarter on required skills and the children have multiple opportunities to meet the goal. If your child receives an AP, I would like for you to continue to work on the skill and ask in depth questions or begin working on a harder skill. If your child received an NP for a skill, then I would continue to work on the skill at home so your child can achieve the goal. We continue to work on these skills at school; however, we need your support at home too. We are working together as a team to help your children. I urge you to keep your child's report card so you can see the skills we will be working on in the 2nd quarter. Each quarter the skills become harder and more in depth. We will use the report card during your child's conferences.

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